

According to many veterinarians, there is no recorded immunologic reason to vaccinate pets on an annual basis. However, if your dog ever leaves your home, it's a good idea to have it vaccinated because you never know what is outside waiting to infect him. Some states require dog owners to give their dogs an annual rabies shot, while other states only require it every three years.

Regardless of the injection frequency, dog owners should be aware of the possible consequences related to vital organs. Side effects of canine vaccinations can be epilepsy, renal failure, skin allergies, lower intestinal tract disease, hypothyroidism and other possible afflictions including aggression. Side effects of the vaccinations can be reduced by not renewing them after the first year.

Canine vaccinations are injected directly into body tissues that bypass the immune system. This process means once the dog has been injected, his body must fight off the organism and build antibodies. This can cause adverse reactions in weak animals, and should be discussed thoroughly with your veterinarian before any injections are administered. Together, you can decide whether killed virus or modified live vaccines are correct for your dog. And please remember, vaccinations should never be given to an unhealthy animal.

Canine Distemper (rabies) vaccinations are recommended for pets once they have reached 10-12 weeks of age. Since this particular vaccine can cause aggression in adult dogs, be sure to keep your pet sequestered until he returns to his normal behavior.

Canine Parvovirus vaccinations should be given to dogs at 12-14 weeks of age. This is important for puppies as they are born with little immunity and often eat feces when cleaning themselves. Since this virus attacks the intestines, bloody diarrhea will be observed within 3-10 days of contact.

Kennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a contagious disease that causes severe coughing and often results in pneumonia. The vaccine for this preventable condition is called B. bronchiseptica, and should be considered if you are planning to board your pet or travel with him.

Canine Hepatitis is said to be preventable by injections of Adenovirus-2. This is an uncommon vaccination, as very few cases of this disease have been reported in the United States in the last 50 years.

Your veterinarian will help you track your dog?s vaccinations and will send you reminders of when shots are due. Keep your friend healthy and safe by maintaining his shot records.